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How To Manage Your Credit Score.

As most people know, your credit score is used by potential lenders to determine the likelihood that you’ll pay back the loan. The higher your credit score the better as it will allow you to gain access to certain credit card reward programs and lower interest rates on debt such as a mortgage, auto loan or student loan.

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Protecting Your Greatest Asset

After four years of undergraduate, four years of medical school and a minimum of three years of training, you’ve put a lot of time and likely money into your craft. It’s important to consider protecting the biggest asset you have that doesn’t show up on paper…yourself! Your future income is the largest asset on your balance sheet and one you probably haven’t accounted for.

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NHSC Loan Repayment Program

For those considering working in rural or underserved areas, there is another loan repayment option called the NHSC Loan Repayment Program. The program provides up to $50,000 of reimbursement tax free. Both private and federal loans are eligible.

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